Independent audit into practitioner responses to child sexual exploitation

A local authority and local safeguarding children board commissioned me to carry out an audit into CSE responses in their county. This involved scrutinizing ten cases where CSE had been identified as an issue; auditing 25 referrals to social care where the outcome had been ‘no further action’; and auditing 25 cases that had reached strategy meeting stage but not involved further social care involvement. Two cases would be selected to be the subject of a learning event using the Child Practice Review model to facilitate further scrutiny of emerging themes, individual practice and organizational cultures.

Through analyzing the findings, the audit:

  • Identified strengths and weaknesses associated with current provision and responses to CSE in the region
  • Identified emerging themes for the county
  • Identified positive practice; and practice needing further development or improvement
  • Considered partnership working between services and professionals
  • Identified whether practitioners had challenged poor practice, both within their own service areas and with other services
  • Considered partnership working with parents
  • Made recommendations for further development of practice in the area.